Configuring Flash Theater

To configure the Flash Theater, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you have selected the last option: "Launch personal Flash Screensaver Theater", then click "Next".

  2. Click "Next" button to launch the Flash Theater. Flash Theater will automatically become the default screensaver of windows. You can change screensaver waiting time and password option here. You can also modify the playlist by click "settings" button of Windows Screensaver Setting Panel.

  3. To modify the playlist is very easy. Click "Add" button to add a file, "Delete" to delete a file from the list, "Up" and "Down" arrow to change file order. You can click a filename in the play list to preview it. Remember to click "Save" button to update the playlist information before you exit.

  4. You can modify options in the "Settings" page. Check the option if you want to add that feature to your screensaver:

    * Fade in and fade out between two flash movies -- the former movie will disappear little by little before the latter appear bit by bit. You'll get a smooth transition between two flash movies.
    * High quality mode (recommended) -- though turn on high quality mode will slow down your machine a bit, you won't feel it if you are using Pentium CPU or above. Turn it on to get best movie quality.
    * Randomize the playlist -- check this option to play the movies randomly. It is a good choice before you get bored with the old sequence.

  5. In the "User Information" page, you can add at most 12 messages to the screensaver to show the producer, company, contact information, etc. Each pair will be a single frame in the screensaver. To get the best performance, please use English only.

  6. When everything is ok, be sure to click "OK" button to save the changes.